News from Agile Computer

Password Hygiene – Keep your accounts secured.
At Agile Computer, we are strong proponents of being vigilant around cyber security. This is why we offer cyber security workshops at no cost to our //agileCOMPLETE customers and keep our fees to a minimum for our more casual customers. Cyber security starts with end...
IT Repair Shops Big and Small Violating your Data
In a recent CBC's Marketplace, it finds tech repair shops snooping through customer files. The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) found that some tech repair shops were snooping through customer files. The CBC's Marketplace program sent in undercover operatives...
To talk about the importance of a backup plan lets first ask this question; If your computer failed to turn on, or was damaged/lost, where would you be. Not being able to get back the files stored in the device. If this question makes your stomach drop or creates...
Safe Computing
Today, we live in a digital world. We use the internet to shop and communicate with our friends. We go online to find information about products and services, and sometimes even to pay our bills (or at least get bills from all the places we’ve shopped). It’s easy to...
Picking the RIGHT Technology Partner
The right technology partner is crucial for any company, but how do you know if one has the qualities necessary to help your business succeed? For some, it may be obvious. For others, it might take more time and effort. Here are five things to look for when vetting...